A Note on the "White Supremacism" Label

Recently, SWC has had to issue cease-and-desist letters threatening legal action against individuals and organizations who labeled us “white supremacists”. We feel it is important, therefore, to clarify that SWC does not subscribe to that label and to apply it to us is inaccurate and defamatory.  

Deliberate obfuscation certainly explains part of the misapplication problem, but perhaps just as big of a factor is that the term “white supremacy” is not well understood. 

Historically, the term is used in two ways:

  1. “Supremacy” as a belief or assumption of superiority 

  2. “Supremacy” as a state of, or aspiration to acquire, political dominance

Neither of these definitions accurately characterize SWC.

Canadian multiculturalism encourages Canadians to acknowledge, embrace and advocate for their distinct ethno-cultural groups, and yet only one group—Europeans—has to fear being labelled “supremacists” for doing so. Canadian political scientist Dr. Eric Kaufmann refers to this discriminatory double standard as "White Exceptionalism"—a politically convenient but, otherwise, arbitrary moral standard which excludes white people/Europeans from full, self-interested, political participation.

SWC appreciates the sensitivity of these issues and we accept that advocating for our interests carries with it significant burdens—such as getting defamed. But this reality does not deter us from our right to advocate and participate in the public dialogue and we will defend that right with legal action if necessary.

If you support our efforts and want to help cover the cost of our legal work you can donate to us at swciv.com/donate